Made with Doplac

A-Z Testing For Doplac Email To Find Your Winning Email

Running A/Z testing for your email campaigns in Doplac helps optimize your results by comparing variations. This guide walks you through each step of setting up and launching an A/B test email campaign to find the most effective version.

Step-by-Step Guide For A-Z testing (Email Campaign Test)

Step 1: Navigate to Campaigns

  • unchecked
    Go to the Campaign section under Email Marketing in your Doplac account.
  • unchecked
    Click on Add New Campaign.

EM Campaign Dashboard

Step 2: Set Up Your Campaign

  • Campaign Name: Enter a name for your campaign, e.g., Test Campaign.
  • Choose SMTP: Select the SMTP provider for your campaign.
  • From Email: Select the email address your campaign will be sent from.
  • From Name: Enter the name that will appear in the recipient's inbox.
  • Reply Email: Provide the email address where replies should be directed.
  • Subject Line: Write the subject line for your email.
  • Click Save and Continue.

EM Campaign Setup Step 2

Step 3: Select Contact List And A/B Testing Setup

Step 3: Select Contact List And A/B Testing Setup

  • Under the Select Contact List section, click on For Test.
  • If you have a specific list, select it. Otherwise, choose the Except Contact option.
  • Set the sending limit, e.g., Standard 20.
  • Click on A/Z Testing.
  • You'll see two options:
    • Email Subject
    • Email Content
  • Choose what you want to test (e.g., email subject or content)

Step 4: Configure A/B Test

  • Test Size: Specify the number of contacts you want to test.
  • Subject Variation: Enter your subject variations:
    • Subject A
    • Subject B
    • Subject C
  • Winning Criteria: Choose the criteria for selecting the winning version (this is a crucial step).

Config A/B Test

Step 5: Finalize Your Campaign

  • Choose an Email Template for your campaign. You can edit it to suit your needs.
  • Click Save and Continue.
  • Decide whether to send the campaign immediately or schedule it for later.
  • Click Publish to launch your campaign.

You have now completed the setup of your A/B testing campaign in Doplac.

Finalize Test Campaign

Note: Running A/B testing is an essential part of optimizing email campaigns. You can improve open rates and engagement by tweaking your subject lines or content, making your email strategy more effective.

If you have any queries, please let us know! Also keep your eyes on more videos!